VTubers are steadily taking over streaming platforms, and you might be interested in becoming one yourself. Custom VTuber models cost quite a bit of money, so we prepared thisgiant list of free avatars that you can use to learn rigging, motion capture and how it all works in general before committing to it fully. These models work with most major 2D and 3D VTuber software, such as Live2D and VRoid, so let’s scroll and find the model that works best for you!
Please take notethat this is not a rated list and the best VTuber modelhere is the one that catches your eye. Also, make sure to check the description of each item and follow the license requirements of these models' creators.
Before We Begin
While this list offers a great starting point with free models, if you’re ready to take your VTubing to the next level, consider exploring our Customizable VTuber Model for VTube Studio. It’s designed to let you craft your virtual persona with precision — choose from a variety of clothing, accessories, and hairstyles to match your unique style. Adjust colors, sizes, and expressions to make it truly yours. It’s a great tool for streamers and content creators who want to stand out and make their mark in the Vtuber world.
2D Models
2D Vtubers are more popular because they are usually simpler in structure and easier to create. On top of that you don't need any additional gear to use them - your webcam or iPhone is enough to get started.
Free VTuber Model by MOCHIPU SHOP
SupportedSoftware : Live2D, VTube Studio
Free 2D VTuber Model by 魔術師見習い工房
Supported Software:Live2D, VTube Studio, Adobe Photoshop
Free 2D VTuber Models by gcb384076498
Supported Software:Live2D, VTube Studio
SPICA Free 2D VTuber Model by Corolla
Supported Software:Live2D, VTube Studio
Free 2D VTuber Model by ディープブリザード修練所
Supported Software:Live2D, VTube Studio, Adobe Photoshop
Free 2D VTuber Model by GALVASのBOOTH
Supported Software:Live2D, VTube Studio
Free 2D VTuber Model byCustomLive2DAvatar
![Top 50 Free VTuber Models [Mega List] (9) Top 50 Free VTuber Models [Mega List] (9)]()
Supported Software:Live2D, VTube Studio
Tokanai Free 2D VTuber Model by趣味倉庫
Supported Software:Live2D, VTube Studio
Usa Maid Free 2D VTuber Model by いちごミルク屋
Supported Software:Live2D, VTube Studio
Free 2D VTuber Model by yunostudio
Supported Software:Live2D, VTube Studio, Adobe Photoshop
Animaze Free 2D VTuber Model by omiso0001212
Supported Software:Live2D, VTube Studio
CrabFree 2D VTuber Model byyakitorichan
Supported Software:Live2D, VTube Studio
lota_mver Free2D VTuber Model by 0x4682B4
Supported Software:Live2D
Pichu Free2D VTuber Model byraddleii
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
Among UsFree2D VTuber Model by Kris Yim
Supported Software:PrprLive
Winter SnowmanFree2D VTuber Model bySlumbaby
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
GhostFree2D VTuber Model bySlumbaby
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
Ram Free2D VTuber Model byJustice Rebellion
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio, Prprlive
Deadbeat Free2D VTuber Model by jawli
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
Rem Free2D VTuber Model byJustice Rebellion
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio, Prprlive
Nyanners Nyatasha Free2D VTuber Model byMidoriMint
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
Peppa PigFree2D VTuber Model bySlumbaby
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
Domino Kitty Free2D VTuber Model byKvxart
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
Kulumu Nabi Free2D VTuber Model byKvxart
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio, Adobe Photoshop
ReynaFree2D VTuber Model byazu ✿
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
OmenFree2D VTuber Model byazu ✿
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
ViperFree2D VTuber Model byazu ✿
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
KilljoyFree2D VTuber Model byazu ✿
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
JettFree2D VTuber Model byazu ✿
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
Sage Free2D VTuber Model byazu ✿
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
Snekletti the Mouse-Mellow Free2D VTuber Model byYoshinoArt
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
Snekletti2.0 Free2D VTuber Model byYoshinoArt
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
Foot-ChanFree2D VTuber Model byYoshinoArt
Supported Software:Live2D,VTube Studio
3D Models
While 3D VTuber models offer much more flexibility and realism they require some additional gear to use them to their full potential. VR headsets and Motion-capture suits are what you need to make the most out of those models. But even if you don't have any of that gear, you can still check these options out to learn and practice for fun!
Free 3D VTuber Model byteoteome
Supported Software:VRoid
Free 3D VTuber Model byAsahina Kon
Supported Software:MikuMikuDance
KorilakkumaFree 3D VTuber Model byKeshirogoods
Supported Software:VSeeFace, VMagicMirror, VMC
Free 3D VTuber Model byHamuchi Shop
Supported Software:MikuMikuDance
Lucas Free 3D VTuber Model byMONARCH
Supported Software:MikuMikuDance
Free 3D VTuber Model byteoteome
Supported Software:Any3D Vtuber Software
Free 3D VTuber Model byteoteome
Supported Software:Any3D Vtuber Software
Free 3D VTuber Model byteoteome
Supported Software:Any3D VTuber Software
Zone Energy Free 3D VTuber Model by B.L.S. Booth
Supported Software:Any3D VTuber Software
Cyber-Style Girl Free 3D VTuber Model byIBUKI-PLANET
Supported Software:Any3D VTuber Software
Boxelmodel Free 3D VTuber Models byttasa
Supported Software:Any 3D VTuber Software
Bunny GirlFree 3D VTuber Model by voxsiren
Supported Software:VRoid
Free 3D VTuber Model byChelsea Design
Supported Software:VRoid
Free 3D VTuber Model byteoteome
Supported Software:Any 3D VTuber Software
Clowncore Free 3D VTuber Model bysalemm
Supported Software:VRoid
Osushi-ChanFree 3D VTuber Model byVocal Doll Nekohime
Supported Software:Any 3D VTuber Software
Free 3D VTuber Model byCGCOOL
Supported Software:Any 3D VTuber Software
Wrapping it up
Congratulations on getting to the bottom of this list! Hope you found yourself a model to use, and now you are ready to explore the VTuber universe! Download the model, install the VTuber software of your choice, and let's get to practice!